Electric 15B
V10 -M10 bass speakers. Extremely efficient and fast speakers. these
speakers are very similar to WE ta4151.
GIP 597A
model 2 tweeter. this is the best 597a replica on the market. 24 Ohm voice
coil , as original we597a. Extremely smooth , low distortion , crisp. See
its frequency response on graph below ( with 15a and we555 ). More details
in the " driver page " and at www.gip-laboratory.com

3 way
"Wide Range" style.
horn with 2 WE555. I found this horn in Rome
where existed till the end of 60's a Western Electric subsidiary. In fact
on one horn side there's a label "property of Western
Electric Company of Italy".In my system WE15 works full range:
100-4500 Hz no Xover .WE555 power supply is very important: the best way is
to rectify ac current with Tungar tubes.
: no high pass on we15b ( the felt carpet in 15a mouth acts as mechanical
low pass at high frequencies ) .2mF series capacitor ( WE138QA) on tweeter.
Jensen v10-m10 are crossed at 100 Hz 6db with suitable air core coil . The
parallel operation of Jensen v10-m10 and we555 under 100Hz , protects the
we555 from excessive power , since under 100 Hz the power of amp is divided
between we555 and woofer. Cables : only tinned copper wire : WE 12 AWG cloth,
stranded. But my preference goes to Supra PLY 2.0
modern cable. This is a modern tinned copper cable. It's sweeter that vintage
WE wire . Do not employ red copper cables : the sound is not well balanced
with them . Tinned copper cables may appear a bit dull at first listen , but
it's much linear , flat and smooth.

15a +
frequency response , 5° out of axis , 3m distance.we46c amplifier ( 40-10.000
my electret
cheap microphone has no good response at high and low frequencies , so there's
much above 10KHz and below 150 Hz.
the linearity
of 15A + Gip597a is outstanding !
is crossed at about 4500 Hz 6db slope
system : 15A , WE597A , ta4151 woofers
I can manufacture WE15A replica.
Quite impossible to manufacture
it only from drawings, but having the original speaker...
Click on the picture at left
for more images.
my we15b
with its we46c amplifier. Mono set up.
picture of we46c at the " amplifiers page "
= single 555 / we15b = pair 555